Green Facts

by 21:45 2 comments

Green Facts about Green Tea

Green tea allows you some flavor with plenty of benefits. Green tea is good for health but did you know that it’s also helpful in getting glowing skin? No, I’m not kidding. green tea is actually beneficial for your skin, body and hair. You can consume it orally by drinking or you can use recipe like mask, toner etc on your skin.

Green tea on Hair!

1.Green tea and Egg hair pack - Boil Green Tea in Water . Seperate the water from the leaves.
Now add the white porton of egg inthe water and for extra nourishment add some honey. Apply this pack for 30 minutes and wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.

2.Green tea water- Rinse your hair with the green tea thrice a month .With the help of this remedy your hairfall will reduce and you will get shine in you hair.

Green Tea on skin!

1.Treat Acne- Take one green tea bag in a bowl and pour hot water into it and brew it. Once the water cools down, take out the green tea bags and keep them aside. Apply the brewed tea on your skin and keep it for 15 minutes. After, rinse off with plain water and follow with moisturizer. Doing this daily will prevent acne and other break outs.

2.Glowing skin- Open used green tea bag and take out the leaves in a bowl. Now add 2 tbsp of gram flour, 1 tbsp of milk powder (or raw milk), and pinch of turmeric in the bowl. Now using rose water, mix all the ingredients and maintain the consistency. Apply this mixture for 15 minutes and then rinse off with Luke-warm water. This face mask reduces pigmentation and dark spots when used regularly. It reduces pimples and lightens complexion.

